The US Forest Service recently issued a letter asking Regional Foresters to consider requests from holders of campground and day use permits for a one year reprieve from the permit requirement to have wildlife insurance coverage in place. The reprieve is due to the impact of wildfires on the insurance market primarily in the West and can be granted if insurance is not available or is prohibitively expensive. Most if not all Forest Service and day use permits currently require the holder to maintain property insurance for the government owned facilities which are being utilized under the permit. The reprieve does not apply to other insurance requirements, such as liability coverage.
To obtain the reprieve, a permit holder must submit a written request before December 21, 2022. The request must include documentation of cancellation or non-renewal of wildfire insurance under the permit in the last three months. It also must include one of the two following items: either documentation of the inability to obtain wildfire insurance from 3 different insurance brokers or documentation of rates from three different insurance brokers or carriers and an economic analysis showing the cost would affect the financial viability of the operations.

May 9, 2022 1:56:32 PM